Asfolk Membership - Silver

Membership – Víkingr Silver (1 month)



Product Description


JANUARY PURCHASE: If you purchase this membership in January the membership price includes both January AND February.

These Víkingr memberships are guaranteed not to increase in price for at least 6 months (as long as your membership doesn’t lapse). Being a member of Asfolk provides a number of benefits:

  • Save considerable money over single class pricing
  • Open Gym sessions are free and do NOT count as a class choice (Open Gym is 2 hours long, we have 1 or 2 each week)
  • Viking workout sessions are free and do NOT count as a class choice (1 hour long, we have 2 each week starting February)
  • 5% or more discount on merchandise and special events
  • Exclusive events that are for members only
  • Early registration for classes – so the class you want is less likely to be full

The Víkingr Silver level membership lets you attend four classes per week (public workshops may also be chosen, special events NOT included) free of charge. You get free access to our open gym times. You may also bring one free guest to any class or open gym you attend. Additionally, you get a 30 minute private training session each month (for just you or bring a couple friends).